Commentary on Proverbs 31:10-31

Proverbs 31:10-31 is a passage that beautifully outlines the virtues of an ideal wife, often referred to as אשת חיל (“Eshet Chayil”) or “Woman of Valour.” This passage is part of the wisdom literature in the Tanakh and is traditionally attributed to King Solomon. It provides not only a depiction of an exemplary woman but also offers profound insights into the values and expectations within a godly household.

“A diligent wife, who will find her? Because its value exceeds that of the stones beautiful, they are incomparable.” (vs 10)

The Hebrew term חיל (chayil) is rich in meaning, encompassing notions of strength, capability, efficiency, and moral virtue. It denotes a woman who is not just a passive helper of the husband but an active and integral force within the household. The term “chayil” is often used in a military context to describe warriors, with the idea that a virtuous wife possesses a form of inner strength and resilience that is both formidable and admirable. She is industrious, wise, and resourceful, contributing significantly to the well-being and prosperity of her family.

In ancient Israel, the role of the wife was crucial to the household’s stability and success. The depiction of the virtuous wife in Proverbs 31 highlights her multifaceted role—she is a provider, a manager, a counsellor, and a nurturer. Her diligence and industriousness are likened to the value of precious gems, such as rubies, sapphires, or other valuable stones. This comparison serves to show her rarity and the immense worth she brings to her family and community.

In contemporary times, this metaphor remains relevant. The search for a partner who embodies these qualities can indeed feel like seeking precious gems—an endeavour marked by its challenges and rewards. The modern world, with its complexities and shifting values, obscures the timeless virtues that the passage extols. However, the worth of a diligent and virtuous wife remains undiminished.

A wife of noble character, as described in this passage, is not simply a support system for her husband but a cornerstone of the household. She exemplifies a balanced integration of strength and compassion, wisdom and diligence. Her contributions are not limited to the domestic sphere; her influence extends to the social, economic, and spiritual realms of life. She is depicted as a woman who fears Yahweh, embodying a deep spiritual depth that guides her actions and decisions.

Furthermore, the Eshet Chayil passage celebrates the empowerment of wives within a framework of faith and family values. It acknowledges and honours the indispensable role of women in creating and sustaining a godly and loving household. This recognition is particularly significant in a world where women’s contributions have been undervalued or overlooked.

“The heart of her husband trusts in her, and never lacks provision.” (vs 11)

This particular verse helps us see the essence of a deeply rooted and mutually beneficial marital relationship. This trust forms the foundation upon which the husband and wife build a stable and prosperous household, demonstrating the crucial role of confidence and reliability within the marriage covenant. Trust is one of the main bedrocks of the marital relationship. The husband’s trust in his wife signifies true confidence in her judgement, integrity, and capabilities. This trust is not never superficial or conditional; it is a steadfast assurance that permeates every aspect of their life together. The husband’s heart, representing his innermost thoughts and emotions, is fully committed to his wife, indicating a relationship built on deep mutual respect and understanding.

In the Hebrew text, the term for trust is “בָּטַח” (batach), which connotes a sense of security, safety, and reliance. This trust is comprehensive, covering both the mundane and significant aspects of their daily lives. The husband’s unwavering trust in his wife ensures that he feels secure, knowing that she will manage the household affairs with wisdom and diligence. This confidence extends to her financial acumen, her ability to make prudent decisions, and her unwavering commitment to the well-being of their family.

The verse continues to highlight that because of this trust, the household “never lacks provision.” The Hebrew word used for “provision” can be understood as “שָׁלָל” (shalal), which typically refers to spoil or gain. In this context, it implies that the household consistently enjoys abundance and sufficiency. The wife’s prudence, industriousness, and effective management ensure that the family’s needs are always met. Her ability to provide, whether through her economic activities, resourcefulness, or careful stewardship of resources, guarantees that the household is well-supplied and secure. This mutual trust creates a stable and prosperous home. The husband’s confidence in his wife’s abilities allows him to focus on his own responsibilities, secure in the knowledge that the household is in capable hands. This division of labour, grounded in mutual trust and respect, contributes to the overall harmony and prosperity of the family. The wife’s diligence and foresight create an environment where the family can thrive, free from the anxieties and uncertainties that might otherwise plague a household lacking such trust.

Additionally, the trust described in this verse is emblematic of a broader spiritual principle. In the context of the biblical text, trust within the marriage mirrors the trust that the people of Israel are called to place in Yahweh. Just as the husband trusts his wife and experiences provision and security, so too are the faithful encouraged to trust in Yahweh, who always provides and sustains. This parallel shows us the sacred nature of trust and fidelity within the marital relationship, reflecting divine principles of faithfulness and provision.

In contemporary society, the principles articulated in this verse remain deeply relevant. In a dark world where trust is always undermined by various challenges, the example of a husband and wife whose relationship is characterised by deep trust and mutual reliance serves as a testament to the enduring value of faithfulness and integrity. A marriage built on such trust is not only resilient but also a source of strength and stability for the entire family. Furthermore, such a solid marriage gives glory to God.

“All the days of her life he has done her good and not evil.” (vs 12)

The twelfth verse shows the unwavering commitment and consistent goodness that the virtuous wife brings to her marital relationship. This passage reflects the constancy of her beneficial actions and her steadfast dedication to her husband’s welfare, portraying her as a perpetual source of blessing and positive influence.

The phrase “all the days of her life” signifies the enduring nature of her virtue. This is a lifelong commitment. Her actions are characterised by a perpetual dedication to doing good, indicating that her love and devotion are not dependent on circumstances or temporary conditions. This constancy reflects a deep-seated character trait, rooted in her moral and spiritual convictions. Her goodness is manifested in actions that consistently benefit her husband and, by extension, her household. The Hebrew term for “good” (טוֹב, tov) encompasses a wide range of positive attributes, including kindness, benevolence, and moral excellence. Her every endeavour, decision, and effort is directed towards the well-being of her husband, ensuring that her presence is a continuous source of blessing. This goodness is actively expressed through her diligent care, wise counsel, and supportive actions.

The verse contrasts this goodness with the absence of evil. The Hebrew term for “evil” (רַע, ra) denotes harm, misfortune, or negative intent. The virtuous wife is characterised by an absolute rejection of anything that could bring harm or distress to her husband or the household in general. This implies a profound respect and care for his well-being, ensuring that her actions and words are always aimed at uplifting and supporting him. The consistency of her goodness and her unwavering commitment to her husband’s welfare create a stable and nurturing environment within the household. Her actions build a foundation of trust and security, allowing her husband to thrive and feel supported while he cares for his own duties. This dynamic contributes to the overall harmony and prosperity of the family, as the wife’s constant care and positive influence permeate every aspect of their life together.

Verse 12 also illustrates a reciprocal relationship where the husband’s response to his wife’s unwavering goodness is also one of love and respect. The constancy of her beneficial actions inspires a deep appreciation and admiration from her husband, reinforcing the bond of mutual respect and affection. This creates a virtuous cycle where both partners are continually motivated to act in each other’s best interests, enhancing the strength and resilience of their relationship.

In the broader context of biblical teachings, this verse reflects the ideal of covenantal faithfulness. Just as Yahweh’s commitment to His people is marked by unchanging goodness and faithfulness, the virtuous wife embodies this divine principle in her relationship with her husband. Her steadfast goodness serves as a living example of the faithfulness and benevolence that Yahweh expects from His followers. This helps us see the enduring value of consistent goodness and unwavering commitment in relationships. In a world where transient and self-serving behaviours often prevail, the example of the virtuous wife serves as a powerful reminder of the transformational impact of steadfast love and dedication. Her actions exemplify the profound influence that consistent, selfless care can have on the well-being and happiness of a spouse and family.

“She seeks wool and linen, and she delights in weaving with her hands.” (vs 13)

The thirteenth verse speaks about the industrious and diligent nature of the virtuous wife, specifically through her engagement in textile work. This activity was not only a vital economic enterprise in ancient times but also a testament to her resourcefulness and joy in productive labour. Her pursuit of wool and linen indicates a proactive approach to securing the raw materials necessary for her craft. Wool, derived from sheep, and linen, made from flax, were the primary fibres used in ancient textile production. These materials were highly valued, and their acquisition required effort and discernment. By actively seeking these materials, the virtuous wife demonstrates her foresight and initiative, ensuring that she has the best resources to work with. This proactive stance reflects her commitment to providing for her household and her understanding of the economic importance of her work. The verse also highlights her skill and proficiency in weaving. Weaving was a complex and skilled task, requiring knowledge of the loom, patterns, and techniques to produce quality textiles. In ancient times, this skill was handed down from mother to daughter throughout generations. The mention of her delight in weaving with her hands indicates that she finds pleasure and satisfaction in her work. This joy in labour transforms her efforts from mere chores into acts of creativity and productivity. Her work is not burdensome but fulfilling, allowing her to express her abilities and contribute significantly to the household’s economy.

The virtuous wife’s engagement in textile production shows the economic significance of her labour. In ancient times, textiles were a valuable commodity. They were essential for clothing, household items, and trade. By transforming raw wool and linen into finished products, she adds substantial value to these materials, contributing to the family’s wealth and self-sufficiency. Her industriousness ensures that her household is well-clothed and possibly even has surplus goods for trade or sale, enhancing their economic stability and prosperity. Her work in textiles symbolises a broader principle of resourcefulness and industriousness. The act of weaving, transforming raw materials into usable and valuable items, reflects her overall approach to managing the household. She is resourceful, making the most of available resources and ensuring that nothing goes to waste. Her industrious nature is not limited to textiles but encompasses all areas of her domestic responsibilities. She approaches her duties with diligence, creativity, and joy, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of her family.

The virtuous wife’s role in textile production also highlights the significant contributions of women to the household economy in ancient times. Women’s work was often centred around the home, but it was far from inconsequential. Their skills in textile production, food preparation, and other domestic arts were crucial for the survival and prosperity of the family. By acknowledging and celebrating her expertise and joy in weaving, the passage recognises the vital role of women’s labour in the broader economic and social fabric of society.

In contemporary terms, this verse can be seen as a celebration of industriousness and the joy of productive work. It reminds us of the value of diligence, skill, and creativity in various forms of labour. Whether in the context of a traditional household or a modern professional setting, the principles of resourcefulness, commitment, and joy in work remain relevant and inspiring. The virtuous wife’s example encourages us to approach our tasks with a similar spirit of dedication and satisfaction, recognising the inherent value in productive and creative efforts.

“She is like a merchant ship that brings her merchandise from afar.” (vs 14)

This verse shows us a picture of the virtuous wife’s industriousness and far-reaching influence in ensuring her household is well-provided for. The comparison to merchant ships shows the diligent effort she expends and the lengths she goes to secure prosperity for her family, both metaphorically and literally. Merchant ships in ancient times were the epitome of long-distance trade and economic exchange. These vessels embarked on extensive voyages, navigating seas and enduring various challenges to bring back valuable goods from distant lands. The comparison to such ships highlights several key aspects of the virtuous wife’s character and actions. This comparison illustrates her far-reaching influence. Just as merchant ships travel great distances to obtain rare and precious commodities, the virtuous wife extends her efforts beyond the immediate confines of her household. She seeks out the best provisions, ensuring that her family has access to high-quality and diverse resources. Her influence is not limited to her home; she is engaged with the broader world, making connections and securing goods that enhance the household’s well-being.

The metaphor emphasises her diligence and industriousness. The process of acquiring merchandise from afar requires significant effort, planning, and perseverance. It involves researching sources, negotiating transactions, and ensuring the safe transport of goods. Similarly, the virtuous wife demonstrates a relentless commitment to her family’s welfare. She is not content with merely fulfilling basic needs; she strives to provide the best, going above and beyond to ensure her household’s prosperity. Her actions reflect a proactive and entrepreneurial spirit. Like a savvy merchant, she identifies opportunities, assesses the value of various goods, and makes informed decisions to benefit her family. This entrepreneurial mindset is crucial for managing a household effectively and ensuring its long-term prosperity. Her efforts contribute to the family’s economic stability and security, mirroring the role of merchant ships in bolstering trade and wealth.

This verse also indicates her resourcefulness and strategic thinking. By bringing merchandise from afar, she demonstrates her ability to plan and execute complex tasks. She understands the importance of diversifying resources and securing the best possible provisions for her family. This strategic approach ensures that her household is not only well-provided for in the present but also prepared for future needs and challenges.

The comparison to merchant ships also demonstrates the theme of provision and abundance. Merchant ships are often associated with the arrival of wealth and abundance, bringing in goods that enhance the quality of life. Similarly, the virtuous wife’s efforts result in a household that enjoys abundance and security. Her diligent work ensures that her family has more than just the essentials; they have access to the finer things in life, contributing to their overall happiness and well-being.

In a broader sense, this verse celebrates the multifaceted role of women in ensuring the prosperity and stability of the household. In ancient times, as well as today, women’s contributions to the economic and social well-being of the family are indispensable. The virtuous wife’s example highlights the significant impact of women’s labour, resourcefulness, and strategic thinking in creating a thriving and prosperous home.

Additionally, this verse can be seen as a reminder of the value of diligence, strategic planning, and far-reaching efforts in managing one’s responsibilities. It encourages a proactive and entrepreneurial approach to problem-solving and resource management, recognising the importance of going the extra mile to secure the best outcomes. The virtuous wife’s example inspires us to think creatively and act diligently in all areas of life, whether in managing a household, pursuing a career, or contributing to the community.

“She gets up while it is still night; she feeds her family and works for her maids.” (vs 15)

The virtuous wife’s exceptional dedication and industriousness is demonstrated in the fifteenth verse. The wife’s commitment to rising early and ensuring that her household, including her servants, is well cared for, reflects her leadership qualities and nurturing nature. This passage draws out several key aspects of her character and the values she embodies. For example, her early rising, “while it is still night,” signifies an important sense of responsibility and diligence. This action goes beyond ordinary effort, illustrating her willingness to sacrifice personal comfort for the well-being of her household. Rising before dawn implies that she is not only organised but also proactive, anticipating the needs of her family and preparing for the day ahead. This habit demonstrates her foresight and commitment to maintaining a smoothly running household.

The phrase “she feeds her family” highlights her role as a provider and nurturer. Ensuring that her family is well-fed is one of the most fundamental aspects of her responsibilities. This task requires careful planning and preparation, involving the procurement and preparation of food to meet the nutritional needs of her household. Her dedication to this duty shows her care and concern for her family’s health and well-being.

Additionally, her efforts extend beyond her immediate family to include her maids or servants. The phrase “and works for her maids” indicates her sense of duty towards those who work under her care. In ancient times, households often included servants who assisted with various tasks. By ensuring that her servants are also well-provided for, the virtuous wife demonstrates her leadership and equitable management. She recognises the importance of treating her household staff with respect and dignity, ensuring that they too are cared for and supported. This aspect of her character highlights a broader principle of compassionate leadership. The virtuous wife actively participates in and supports the well-being of everyone within her care. Her leadership is marked by empathy and a sense of responsibility towards all members of her household, creating a harmonious and respectful environment. This nurturing leadership style ensures that the household functions efficiently and that everyone’s needs are met. The verse also reflects her ability to balance multiple responsibilities effectively. Managing the needs of a household, especially one that includes servants, requires exceptional organisational skills and multitasking abilities. The virtuous wife’s early rising and diligent work reflect her capacity to handle these demands with grace and efficiency. Her ability to juggle various tasks and responsibilities showcases her competence and resourcefulness.

This verse can also be seen as an illustration of the virtues of hard work, dedication, and compassionate leadership. The virtuous wife’s example serves as an inspiration for individuals in various roles and contexts, emphasising the importance of proactive effort, care for others, and effective management. Her actions exemplify the values of diligence and empathy, encouraging a balanced approach to leadership and responsibility.

The fifteenth verse rings true with many people who are faced with the challenges of balancing work, family, and other responsibilities. The virtuous wife’s early rising and commitment to her household reflect timeless principles of hard work and care for others. Her example encourages a proactive and compassionate approach to managing one’s duties, whether in the context of a family, a workplace, or a community. Her inclusion of servants in her care also shows the importance of treating all individuals with respect and fairness, regardless of their role or status. This principle is particularly relevant in today’s world, where equitable treatment and compassionate leadership are essential for creating harmonious environments.

“She evaluates a field and acquires it; she plants a vineyard with her earnings.” (vs 16)

In the sixteenth verse, we see a grand picture of the virtuous wife’s entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen. Her actions in this passage reveal her ability to make wise decisions, invest prudently, and contribute significantly to her family’s wealth and prosperity. This verse provides several key aspects of her character and the values she embodies. The phrase “she evaluates a field” indicates her careful and thoughtful approach to business decisions. The act of evaluating a field involves assessing its potential, considering factors such as fertility, location, and value. This process requires knowledge, discernment, and an understanding of agricultural and economic principles. By carefully evaluating the field, she ensures that her investment is sound and beneficial for her family. This careful consideration reflects her foresight and strategic thinking, essential traits for successful entrepreneurship. The subsequent action of acquiring the field demonstrates her initiative and resourcefulness. Purchasing land is a significant investment, often requiring substantial resources and a long-term perspective. Her ability to make such a purchase indicates that she has both the financial means and the confidence to undertake significant ventures. This action showcases her independence and capability in managing finances and making substantial investments.

Planting a vineyard with her earnings further indicates her entrepreneurial spirit and foresight. Vineyards are valuable agricultural investments that can yield long-term benefits. Establishing a vineyard involves not only planting vines but also caring for them over time to ensure a successful harvest. This process requires patience, knowledge, and ongoing effort. By choosing to invest in a vineyard, she demonstrates her commitment to creating sustainable and enduring sources of wealth for her family. This investment is not for immediate gratification but for future prosperity, reflecting her long-term planning and vision. Her actions have a multiplicative effect on her family’s wealth and well-being. By investing in land and a vineyard, she enhances the family’s assets and ensures a diversified source of income. Vineyards, in particular, can provide wine, grapes, and other products, contributing to the household’s self-sufficiency and economic stability. Her investments benefit the family not only in material terms but also by demonstrating prudent and forward-thinking management. Additionally, her entrepreneurial activities reflect her broader role as a wise and capable steward of her household’s resources. She understands the importance of making informed and strategic decisions, ensuring that her family’s assets are well-managed and productive. Her ability to identify opportunities, assess risks, and invest wisely is a testament to her intelligence and leadership.

In the modern world, this verse serves as an inspiring example of the virtues of entrepreneurship, strategic planning, and financial independence. The virtuous wife’s actions encourage individuals to approach business decisions with careful evaluation, long-term vision, and a willingness to invest in sustainable ventures. Her example shows us the importance of resourcefulness, independence, and proactive management in achieving economic success and stability. Her role as an entrepreneur highlights the value of women’s contributions to economic and financial activities. Her ability to generate earnings, make significant investments, and enhance her family’s wealth serves as an important reminder of the potential and capabilities of women in various spheres of life, including business and finance.

“She girds her waist firmly and strains her arms.” (vs 17)

This particular verse depicts the virtuous wife’s physical and mental strength. This imagery highlights her preparation, readiness for hard work, resilience, and industriousness. It underscores her capacity to take on demanding tasks and her determination to fulfill her responsibilities with vigour and tenacity. The phrase “she girds her waist firmly” carries a deeper significance. In ancient times, girding one’s waist involved securing one’s garments with a belt or sash, allowing for greater freedom of movement and readiness for physical activity. This action symbolises preparation and readiness to engage in strenuous tasks. By girding her waist, the virtuous wife demonstrates her proactive approach to work. In other words, she is not waiting for circumstances to dictate her actions; instead, she prepares herself thoroughly, anticipating the demands and challenges she will be facing. This readiness reflects her disciplined and organised nature, essential traits for managing a household and undertaking various responsibilities. Girding the waist also signifies mental preparation and resolve. It indicates that she is not only physically prepared but also mentally focused and determined. This mental fortitude is crucial for tackling the challenges and complexities of daily life. Her ability to prepare herself mentally and physically shows her resilience and steadfastness, qualities that enable her to persevere through difficulties and maintain a high standard of productivity and care for her family.

The phrase “strains her arms” further emphasises her industriousness and physical strength. Straining the arms implies engaging in vigorous and demanding labour. This image portrays her as actively involved in the physical tasks necessary for the well-being of her household. Whether it is agricultural work, weaving, or other forms of manual labour, she is not afraid to exert herself and apply her strength to achieve her goals. This physical exertion indicates her dedication and commitment to her family’s prosperity. Her physical strength is not an end in itself but is directed towards productive and meaningful activities. It reflects her willingness to engage fully in her responsibilities, ensuring that her household is well-provided for. This industriousness is a critical aspect of her character, demonstrating that she is not only capable of hard work but also embraces it as a means to achieve her objectives and support her family.

The verse also highlights the connection between physical and mental strength. Her ability to gird her waist and strain her arms suggests a harmonious balance between her body and mind. She approaches her tasks with both physical vigour and mental determination, ensuring that she can overcome obstacles and achieve success. This balance is essential for sustaining her efforts over time and maintaining the high standards she sets for herself and her household. This verse celebrates the virtues of preparedness, resilience, and industriousness. The virtuous wife’s example encourages a proactive and diligent approach to responsibilities, emphasising the importance of being both physically and mentally equipped to handle life’s demands. Her actions reflect a deep-seated commitment to excellence and a willingness to work hard to achieve her goals. The virtuous wife’s example can be an encouragement to women today to cultivate both physical and mental resilience, recognising that these qualities are essential for achieving success and fulfilling one’s responsibilities.

Her example shows the dignity and worth of labour, whether in the home or in other settings. Her willingness to strain her arms and engage in demanding work demonstrates the value of industriousness and the importance of contributing to the well-being of others through dedicated effort.

“She finds out that she is doing well in her business; her lamp does not go out all night.” (vs 18)

We have come to the eighteenth verse which highlights the virtuous wife’s diligence, ceaseless effort, and commitment to her endeavours. Her success in business serves as a testament to her hard work and vigilance. This verse reveals several key aspects of her character and the values she embodies, emphasising the significance of her industrious nature and dedication to her responsibilities. The phrase “she finds out that she is doing well in her business” shows her ability to manage and succeed in her commercial ventures. This success is not accidental but a result of her careful planning, strategic thinking, and consistent effort. Her abilities in business demonstrates her intelligence and resourcefulness, enabling her to effectively deal with the various challenges of commerce. She is aware of her progress and takes the time to evaluate her performance, reflecting her commitment to continuous improvement and excellence. Her business abilities also highlights her capacity to contribute significantly to her family’s economic well-being. In the historical context, women’s contributions to household economies were crucial, yet often underappreciated. By excelling in her business, she not only supports her family financially but also exemplifies the potential of women to thrive in commercial and economic activities.

The imagery of her lamp not going out all night symbolises her ceaseless effort and unwavering commitment to her work. In ancient times, a lamp burning through the night represented vigilance and industriousness. This image conveys her dedication to her tasks, highlighting that her efforts extend beyond the typical hours of work. She is willing to work late into the night to ensure that her business and household are well-managed and thriving. Her lamp burning through the night serves as a metaphor for her relentless pursuit of excellence and her willingness to go the extra mile to achieve her goals. This ceaseless effort is a reflection of her resilience and perseverance. Managing a business and a household requires a considerable amount of energy and dedication. Her willingness to work late into the night demonstrates her ability to endure and persevere through challenges, ensuring that her responsibilities are met and her objectives are achieved. Her perseverance is a testament to her strength of character and her unwavering commitment to her family’s well-being. Her actions also highlight for us the importance of vigilance in achieving success. Her constant attention to her business affairs ensures that she can respond promptly to any issues that arise and make informed decisions that benefit her enterprise. This vigilance is crucial for maintaining the stability and growth of her business, reflecting her proactive and attentive nature.

The virtuous wife’s dedication to her work also demonstrates the value of hard work and diligence. Her success is not the result of luck or chance but the product of her sustained effort and commitment. This principle is timeless, reminding us that achieving success in any endeavour requires consistent hard work, careful planning, and unwavering dedication. Her example serves as an inspiration for individuals to approach their tasks with a similar level of commitment and perseverance. The virtuous wife’s example should encourage all of us to take our responsibilities seriously, to work hard, and to remain vigilant in our efforts.

“She stretches out her arms diligently, and puts her hands on the wheel.” (vs 19)

Her involvement in spinning and weaving, essential skills in her time, again shows her industrious nature. She is hands-on in her work, ensuring quality and productivity.

“She stretches out her hands to the poor and stretches out her arms to the needy.” (vs 20)

This verse beautifully portrays the virtuous wife’s compassion, generosity, and commitment to helping those in need. This aspect of her character not only demonstrates her empathy towards the less fortunate but also reflects her piety and adherence to Yahweh’s Mitzvoth regarding care for the vulnerable. The imagery of stretching out her hands and arms signifies her proactive and compassionate approach to charitable deeds. By extending her hands to the poor and arms to the needy, she actively reaches out to those who require assistance. This gesture goes beyond mere words of sympathy; it reflects her genuine desire to alleviate the suffering and hardships of others through practical acts of kindness and support.

Her compassion is rooted in a deep sense of empathy and understanding for the plight of the poor and needy. She recognises their struggles and vulnerabilities, and instead of turning a blind eye or remaining indifferent, she takes decisive action to provide assistance and relief. This empathy demonstrates her capacity to connect emotionally with others and to respond with compassion and generosity. Her actions are in accordance with the ethical principles and moral teachings found in Yahweh’s Mitzvoth, particularly regarding social justice and caring for the less fortunate. Throughout the Scriptures, there are numerous injunctions to show compassion towards widows, orphans, and strangers, emphasising the importance of social responsibility and solidarity within the community. The virtuous wife’s commitment to helping the poor and needy reflects her adherence to these principles, demonstrating her piety and dedication to fulfilling Yahweh’s Mitzvoth. (Compare James 1:27) Her generosity extends not only to material assistance but also to emotional and spiritual support. By stretching out her arms, she offers comfort, encouragement, and solidarity to those who may feel isolated or neglected. Her willingness to engage personally with the needs of others creates a strong sense of community and mutual support, reinforcing the bonds of compassion and empathy within society.

The Proverbs 31 Woman’s charitable actions illustrate her leadership within her household and community. As a role model of compassion and generosity, she inspires others to follow her example and to contribute to the welfare of the less fortunate. Her leadership is characterised by humility and a genuine concern for the well-being of others, fostering a spirit of altruism and social responsibility among those around her.

This verse challenges us to consider our own attitudes towards poverty, neediness, and social justice. It prompts us to reflect on how we can emulate the virtuous wife’s compassion and generosity in our daily lives, whether through direct acts of charity, advocacy for systemic change, or fostering a culture of empathy and solidarity.

“Her family is not afraid of winter, because they are all dressed in clothes scarlet.” (vs 21)

This particular verse provides us with a glimpse of the virtuous wife’s preparedness, foresight, and care for her family’s well-being. This passage indicates her proactive approach to ensuring that her household is adequately equipped and protected against harsh conditions, particularly during winter. The mention of “clothes scarlet” carries symbolic and practical significance. In ancient times, scarlet garments were often associated with warmth and protection. The colour scarlet, derived from natural dyes such as the crimson produced from the cochineal insect (Dactylopius opuntiae) or the deep red from certain plant sources, was prized for its durability and insulating properties. It symbolised not only practical warmth but also a certain level of comfort and perhaps even a touch of elegance or status. By dressing her family in scarlet clothes, the virtuous wife demonstrates her attention to both practical and aesthetic considerations. She ensures that her loved ones are not only protected from the cold but also clothed in garments that provide comfort and possibly a sense of dignity. This attention to detail reflects her desire to create a home environment where her family feels secure, cared for, and respected. The mention of winter in this verse shows the seasonal challenges that her household faces. Winter can be a difficult time, especially in regions where temperatures drop sharply and inclement weather poses risks to health and well-being. The virtuous wife’s preparedness in dressing her family in scarlet clothes indicates her foresight and readiness to anticipate and mitigate these challenges. She takes important steps to ensure that her family is not caught unprepared but is equipped to face the colder months with confidence and comfort. The verse also shows her role as a provider and protector within the household. In ancient societies, the responsibility for clothing and provisioning the family often fell to the woman of the household. The virtuous wife’s ability to secure suitable clothing for her family reflects her competence in managing domestic affairs and her dedication to meeting their practical needs. Her actions affirm her role as a caregiver who prioritises the well-being and comfort of her loved ones.

The colour scarlet may carry additional connotations beyond practicality. In some contexts, scarlet garments were associated with wealth or prosperity, as obtaining vibrant dyes was often costly and required skill. By dressing her family in scarlet, the virtuous wife may also be expressing her desire to provide them with the best available resources, within the means available to her household. This gesture reflects her commitment to maintaining a standard of living that ensures not only survival but also a degree of quality and dignity.

The twenty-first verse encourages us to consider the importance of preparedness and foresight in managing household affairs and caring for our loved ones. The virtuous wife’s example challenges us to take necessary steps to anticipate and address the needs of those under our care, particularly during challenging times or adverse conditions. Her commitment to ensuring her family’s comfort and protection serves as a timeless example of responsible stewardship and compassionate leadership within the home. The virtue of preparedness referred to in this passage helps us see the importance of planning and foresight in managing family finances, preparing for emergencies, and ensuring the well-being of loved ones. It encourages us to cultivate a mindset of readiness and resilience, equipping ourselves and our families to face life’s challenges with confidence and dignity.

“She makes rugs for herself, and dresses of fine white and purple linen.” (vs 22)

The twenty-second verse mentions the virtuous wife’s skill, practicality, and aesthetic sensibility in creating beautiful and luxurious items for her home and herself. This passage shows her ability to blend functionality with elegance, reflecting her comprehensive approach to managing her household and personal appearance. The phrase “she makes rugs for herself” indicates her practical skills in crafting items that contribute to the comfort and decor of her home. Rugs, in ancient times, were essential for providing warmth, insulation, and aesthetic enhancement to living spaces. By making these rugs herself, she demonstrates her resourcefulness and ability to produce high-quality, functional items that serve practical purposes within her household. This skill not only showcases her industriousness but also her commitment to enhancing the living environment for her family. Making rugs also reflects her creativity and artistic sensibility. Rugs can be intricately designed and decorated, allowing her to infuse her personal touch and artistic flair into the items she creates. This combination of practicality and aesthetics reveals her ability to balance functionality with beauty, ensuring that her home is both comfortable and visually pleasing.

The mention of “dresses of fine white and purple linen” further demonstrates her attention to elegance and status. Linen, especially in its fine form, was a luxurious fabric prized for its quality and comfort. White linen symbolised purity and simplicity, while purple linen was particularly significant due to its association with wealth and nobility. The purple dye, often derived from the costly and rare Murex trunculus snail, was expensive and labour-intensive to produce, making purple garments a symbol of high status and prosperity. By dressing in fine white and purple linen, the virtuous wife displays her ability to appreciate and attain luxury while maintaining a sense of dignity and refinement. Her choice of attire reflects not only her personal taste and aesthetic preferences but also her awareness of social status and the importance of presenting herself and her family with a sense of respectability and honour. This attention to her appearance indicates her understanding of the social dynamics and the value placed on outward expressions of wealth and elegance.

The Proverbs 31 Woman’s ability to create these luxurious items herself indicates her proficiency in textile arts and her dedication to providing the best for her family. It demonstrates her self-sufficiency and independence, as she does not rely solely on external sources for luxury but has the skills to produce it herself. This aspect of her character demonstrates her versatility and competence in managing various aspects of her household, from practical needs to aesthetic enhancement. The reference to both rugs and fine clothing indicates a holistic approach to her responsibilities. She ensures that her home is well-appointed and comfortable, while also attending to her personal presentation and that of her family. This comprehensive approach reflects her thoroughness and attention to detail, ensuring that every aspect of her household is managed with care and excellence.

Additionally, her choice of fine white and purple linen highlights the time-honoured importance of personal presentation and the social implications of attire. It reminds us that our appearance can convey messages about our values, status, and attention to detail, encouraging us to present ourselves with care and consideration in various social contexts.

“Her husband is recognised in the cities, sitting amongst the elders of the country.” (vs 23)

In the twenty-third verse we read about the esteemed status and respect her husband holds within the community. His position of leadership and honour, signified by his place among the elders, is deeply connected to the support and contributions of his virtuous wife. This passage is referring to the significant impact she has on his success and the stability and prosperity of their household. This verse speaks about how he is well-known and respected within the urban centres, which were hubs of social, economic, and political activity. Recognition in the cities indicates that he has earned a reputation for wisdom, integrity, and leadership. Such recognition often extends beyond personal achievements, encompassing the collective reputation of his household. This respect and acknowledgment from the community reflect the high regard in which he is held, partly due to the strong, supportive partnership he shares with his wife. The next part of the verse, “sitting amongst the elders of the country,” signifies a position of significant influence and honour. In ancient times, the elders were respected leaders who played crucial roles in governance, justice, and community decision-making. Being among the elders indicates that her husband is a trusted and valued member of this esteemed group, involved in shaping the social and political landscape of the country. His ability to sit among these leaders highlights his stature and the respect he commands within society at large.

The virtuous wife’s role in her husband’s status cannot be understated. Her diligent management of the household, her industriousness, and her wisdom contribute to the stability and prosperity that underpin his public life. By ensuring that their home runs smoothly and efficiently, she frees him to focus on his responsibilities and public duties without being encumbered by domestic concerns. This support allows him to engage fully in his role among the elders, confident that his household is well-managed and thriving. Her contributions extend beyond mere domestic management. Her wisdom, prudence, and resourcefulness influence the overall reputation of their family. A household characterised by order, prosperity, and moral integrity reflects positively on its head. Her actions and character enhance his standing in the community, as people recognise the vital role she plays in their shared success. Her virtues and capabilities amplify his leadership, demonstrating that a strong partnership is foundational to their collective achievements. Her influence also likely extends to social and economic networks. Her ability to manage resources, engage in commerce, and contribute to the family’s wealth and status enhances their social standing. The prosperity she brings to their home through her entrepreneurial activities and skilled management is evident to the community, further bolstering her husband’s reputation as a successful and capable leader.

This verse celebrates the synergy between the virtuous wife and her husband, illustrating how their partnership fosters mutual success and respect. It emphasises that a man’s honour and leadership in the public sphere are often supported by the unseen yet essential contributions of his spouse. Her efforts create a strong, stable foundation that enables him to fulfil his public duties effectively and honourably.

This verse encourages us to recognise and value the contributions of those who support and enable leadership and success, often working behind the scenes. It highlights the importance of partnerships based on mutual respect, shared goals, and complementary strengths. The virtuous wife’s example teaches us that true leadership and respect are often built on the foundation of supportive and harmonious relationships. This verse challenges traditional notions of success by highlighting the connection between public and private spheres. True leadership is not solely about individual accomplishments but also about the strength and stability of the partnerships and relationships that support it. The virtuous wife’s contributions to her husband’s success is as a reminder of the importance of recognising and valuing the often-unseen efforts that underpin public recognition and honour.

“She makes linen clothes and sells them; she supplies belts to the merchants.” (vs 24)

Again, her handiwork is mentioned. Her entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen are further demonstrated by her ability to produce goods for sale, contributing to the family’s income and interacting with the broader economy. This verse illustrates the virtuous wife’s entrepreneurial spirit and industrious nature. Her ability to produce high-quality goods for sale and engage with the broader economy contributes significantly to her family’s income and financial stability. This verse speaks of her resourcefulness, initiative, and the valuable economic contributions of women, inspiring us to recognise and cultivate these qualities in our own lives and communities.

“Strength and honour are her clothing and she sees the future with optimism.” (vs 25)

The twenty-fifth verse beautifully captures the inner qualities of the virtuous wife, highlighting her inner strength, dignity, and faith. This verse contrasts the superficial adornment of physical garments with the deeper and enduring qualities of character that define her true beauty and worth. The metaphor of “strength and honour are her clothing” conveys that her true adornment is not in her external attire but in the intrinsic qualities that she embodies. Strength, in this context, refers to her resilience, fortitude, and ability to withstand difficult challenges. It is a testament to her capacity to face life’s difficulties with courage and steadfastness. Honour, on the other hand, signifies her dignity, integrity, and the respect she commands from others due to her virtuous character. These qualities are far more valuable and lasting than any material garment, as they reflect her true essence and the depth of her character.

Her optimistic outlook on the future, “and she sees the future with optimism,” stems from her faith and diligent preparation. She is not merely hopeful in a naive sense but possesses a well-founded confidence based on her foresight, planning, and hard work. Her optimism is rooted in her faith in Yahweh, trusting that her efforts, guided by divine wisdom and principles, will bear fruit and ensure her family’s well-being. This perspective allows her to face the future with a positive and hopeful attitude, knowing that she has done everything in her power to secure a prosperous and stable life for her loved ones. The virtuous wife’s inner strength and dignity, coupled with her optimistic outlook, are reflections of her deep faith and trust in the Creator. Her confidence in the future is not based on external circumstances but on the solid foundation of her faith and the righteous life she leads. This deep faith equips her to navigate uncertainties and challenges with a sense of peace and assurance.

Today, we find a parallel in the way brothers and sisters approach life and the future. Their faith in Yeshua’s promises concerning the future provides them with a similar sense of inner strength, dignity, and optimism. For Torah observant believers in Yeshua, their true adornment lies in their spiritual qualities—strength and honour—derived from their relationship with the Heavenly Father and their adherence to His Mitzvoth. Just as the virtuous wife is clothed in strength and honour, these believers are adorned with the virtues that come from living a life in accordance with Torah principles and the teachings of Yeshua. Their faith is their armour, enabling them to face life’s challenges with resilience and integrity. Their optimistic outlook on the future is deeply rooted in the promises of Yeshua. They believe in the fulfilment of His words and the ultimate redemption and restoration that He brings. This faith gives them hope and confidence as they look forward to the future, trusting that Yahweh’s plans for them are good and that His promises are sure. This hope is accompanied by diligent preparation and righteous living, akin to the virtuous wife’s proactive approach to securing her family’s well-being. The comparison highlights how both the virtuous wife and Torah observant believers in Yeshua draw their strength and optimism from their faith. The virtuous wife’s trust in Yahweh’s providence and her diligent efforts to prepare for the future mirror the believers’ faith in Yeshua’s promises and their commitment to living according to Torah principles. Both embody an inner strength and dignity that transcends external circumstances, and both see the future with a well-founded optimism rooted in their faith.

“She speaks with wisdom and there are compassionate precepts in her tongue.” (vs 26)

In our twenty-sixth verse, we see how the virtuous wife’s profound moral and spiritual maturity are highlighted, as evidenced by her speech. Her words are marked by wisdom and kindness, indicating a deep understanding and a compassionate heart. This verse emphasises how her mature character positively influences her household and community, serving as a guiding light and a source of inspiration for those around her. The phrase “she speaks with wisdom” demonstrates her ability to offer sound advice, make prudent decisions, and provide guidance that reflects a deep understanding of life and its complexities. Wisdom, in the biblical sense, goes beyond mere knowledge; it encompasses a profound insight into human nature, an awareness of the divine principles that govern life, and an ability to apply this understanding in practical and meaningful ways. Her wisdom likely derives from a lifetime of experience, reflection, and devotion to Yahweh’s Mitzvoth. This quality makes her a trusted counsellor and a source of stability within her family and community.

The second part of the verse, “and there are compassionate precepts in her tongue,” shows the kindness and compassion that permeate her speech. Compassionate precepts refer to moral and ethical principles rooted in love, empathy, and a deep concern for others’ well-being. Her words are not only wise but also tender and nurturing, reflecting a heart that seeks to uplift and support those around her. This combination of wisdom and kindness ensures that her guidance is not only effective but also gentle and considerate, creating an environment of love and mutual respect. Her ability to speak with wisdom and kindness indicates her moral and spiritual maturity. This maturity is reflected in her deep understanding of Yahweh’s ways and her commitment to living according to His Mitzvoth. Her speech becomes a tool for teaching, correcting, and encouraging others, helping to shape a community that values righteousness, compassion, and wisdom. Her influence extends beyond her immediate household, as her reputation for wise and kind speech makes her a respected figure in the broader community.

Women who are disciples of Yeshua today can draw inspiration from the virtuous wife’s example. By embodying similar qualities of wisdom and compassion in their speech, they can positively influence their households and communities, ultimately bringing glory to Yahweh. All disciples of Yeshua the Messiah are called to reflect His teachings and character in their lives, and one of the most powerful ways to do this is through their words and actions. In the teachings of Yeshua, the importance of wise and compassionate speech is emphasised repeatedly. Yeshua taught that the words we speak are a reflection of our hearts and that we should let our words be full of grace and truth. Women who follow Yeshua are encouraged to speak in ways that build others up, offer encouragement, and provide godly wisdom. By doing so, they become instruments of His love and truth in the world. (See Matthew 12:34; Colossians 4:6)

In their households, women who speak with wisdom and kindness can nurture a culture of understanding, respect, and love. Their words can guide their children, support their spouses, and foster an atmosphere where everyone feels valued and heard. This kind of environment is conducive to spiritual growth and harmonious living, reflecting the kingdom values that Yeshua taught. In the wider community, women who embody these qualities can serve as role models and leaders. Their wisdom can offer guidance in times of uncertainty, and their compassionate speech can bring comfort and hope to those in need. By actively engaging with their communities and sharing the wisdom they have gained from their faith, they can help to shape a society that values justice, mercy, and humility.

The virtuous wife’s example encourages women to seek wisdom through a close relationship with Yahweh and His Son Yeshua, study of His Word, and a commitment to living out His Mitzvoth. Wisdom is often portrayed in the Scriptures as a gift from Yahweh, accessible to those who earnestly seek it. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all without hesitation and without reproach; and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5) By dedicating themselves to spiritual growth and understanding, women can cultivate the wisdom that allows them to speak with appropriate authority and kindness.

“The progress of her house is evident and she does not eat her bread idly.” (vs 27)

Her diligence ensures that her household runs smoothly and efficiently. The progress of her house is a testament to her hard work and effective management. She is not idle, reflecting her constant dedication and industrious efforts in contributing to her family’s well-being. Her active engagement in all aspects of household responsibilities ensures that every need is met, and her family thrives under her and her husband’s care and supervision.

“Her children rise up and bless her; her husband also praises her.” (vs 28)

This verse captures the genuine and deep love, respect, and recognition that the virtuous wife receives from her family. This verse highlights the deep impact and influence she has within her household, demonstrating the honour and esteem in which she is held by those who know her best. The phrase “her children rise up and bless her” signifies the heartfelt admiration and gratitude her children feel towards her. To “rise up” speaks of the fact that her children hold her in high regard. The blessing they bestow upon her reflects their recognition of her unwavering dedication, love, and the countless sacrifices she has made for their well-being. It shows that her children acknowledge and appreciate the nurturing, guidance, and care she has provided, and they express their gratitude openly and joyfully. The second part of the verse, “her husband also praises her,” complements the children’s blessing with the husband’s admiration and praise. His praise signifies his deep appreciation and recognition of her virtues, character, and daily contributions to the family. By praising her, he publicly acknowledges her worth and the essential role she plays in their lives. This praise is not just a casual compliment but a sincere affirmation of her value and impact.

Together, the blessings from her children and the praise from her husband show us a woman whose virtues and efforts are deeply cherished by her family. Their expressions of admiration and gratitude serve as a testament to her significant influence and the positive environment she has cultivated within the home. Her family’s recognition highlights that her impact extends beyond mere duties; she has touched their lives in meaningful and enduring ways. This verse also demonstrates the reciprocal nature of respect and love in a family dynamic. The virtuous wife’s dedication and care foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and affection, where her efforts are valued and celebrated. Her influence inspires her family to acknowledge and honour her, creating a cycle of love, respect, and appreciation that strengthens the family bond.

For women who are disciples of Yeshua today, this verse serves as an enduring reminder of the lasting impact of their virtues and efforts within their families. Just as the virtuous wife receives recognition and praise from her loved ones, women who embody similar qualities of dedication, love, and wisdom can expect to positively influence their households. Their commitment to living according to Yeshua’s teachings and their efforts to nurture and guide their families will not go unnoticed. The verse encourages the cultivation of a family culture where love, respect, and appreciation are openly expressed. It reminds families of the importance of recognising and valuing each other’s contributions and virtues. By expressing gratitude and praise, family members can strengthen their bonds and create a supportive and loving home environment.

[Her husband says]”Many of her daughters have acquired wealth, but you surpass them all.” (vs 29)

The twenty-ninth verse offers a deep insight into the exceptional virtues of the wife described in the Book of Proverbs. This verse serves to highlight her unparalleled qualities, contrasting them with those of other women who may also be virtuous and accomplished. The husband’s praise emphasises that her value transcends material wealth and superficial achievements, focusing instead on her extraordinary character and actions. The phrase “many daughters have done virtuously” acknowledges that there are many women who have achieved commendable and praiseworthy things. In this context, “virtuously” encompasses a broad range of admirable qualities such as diligence, wisdom, kindness, and moral integrity. These virtues are certainly important and valuable, and the verse recognises the accomplishments of many women who embody these traits. However, the continuation “but you excel them all” sets the virtuous wife apart from these other commendable women. This phrase signifies that her virtues are not merely average or even above average, but truly exceptional. Her husband’s declaration elevates her above all others, indicating that her qualities are of the highest calibre. This exceptionalism is not rooted in material wealth or superficial success, but in the depth and breadth of her character and the positive impact she has on her family and community. The husband’s praise is particularly meaningful because it comes from someone who knows her intimately. He has witnessed her virtues up close and understands the full extent of her contributions and character. His recognition of her excellence is a testament to her consistent and remarkable behaviour over time. By saying “you excel them all,” he acknowledges that her worth surpasses that of other women who have also done virtuously, highlighting the unique and unparalleled nature of her qualities. This verse shows that true value and excellence are found in character and actions rather than in material possessions or outward appearances. The virtuous wife’s qualities—her wisdom, kindness, diligence, and moral integrity—are what make her truly exceptional. These are the qualities that endure and have a lasting impact, far beyond the fleeting nature of material wealth.

This verse also serves as a reminder of the importance of recognising and valuing the inner qualities that define a person’s true worth. In the world people are focused on material success and superficial achievements, but this verse calls attention to the deeper, more enduring virtues that make a person truly valuable and exceptional in the sight of God. For women who are disciples of Yeshua today, this verse is a powerful encouragement to cultivate and prioritise virtues that reflect their faith and commitment to Yahweh’s ways. Just as the virtuous wife’s exceptional qualities are recognised and praised, women who strive to embody wisdom, kindness, diligence, and moral integrity will have a strong and lasting impact on their families and communities. Their true value, like that of the virtuous wife, lies in their character and actions, which reflect the teachings of Yeshua and the principles of Torah.

The husband’s recognition and praise serve as a model for how we should acknowledge and celebrate the virtues of those around us. By valuing and affirming the exceptional qualities of others, we develop an environment of mutual respect and encouragement. This not only strengthens personal relationships but also builds up the community as a whole.

“Grace is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears Yahweh will be praised.” (vs 30)

The thirtieth verse captures for us a deep spiritual truth about the nature of true worth and value. This verse serves as a central pivot, shifting the focus from external attributes to the inner spiritual qualities that define a person’s true essence. It emphasises that genuine worth is found not in outward appearances but in a woman’s reverence for Yahweh, highlighting that her piety and faith are the ultimate sources of her praise and honour. The phrase “grace is deceitful” means that outward charm and elegance can be misleading. While grace and charm can be attractive, they are often superficial and may not reflect a person’s true character. Charm can mask deeper flaws or intentions, leading to deception. This admonition serves as a reminder that outward appearances can be alluring but ultimately unreliable indicators of a person’s true worth. Similarly, “beauty is vain” refers to the transient nature of physical appearance. Beauty, though often highly valued in society, is fleeting and impermanent. It can fade with time and is subject to the changing standards and perceptions of what is considered attractive. By declaring beauty vain, the verse highlights its superficial and ephemeral nature, suggesting that placing too much importance on physical appearance is ultimately futile. In contrast, the concluding part of the verse, “but a woman who fears Yahweh will be praised,” shifts the focus to a lasting and profound quality—reverence for Yahweh. The “fear of Yahweh” in biblical terms denotes a deep respect, awe, and reverence for Almighty God, coupled with a commitment to live according to His Mitzvoth. This fear is not about being terrified but about recognising Yahweh’s sovereignty, majesty, and holiness, leading to a life of obedience, faithfulness, and piety through Yeshua with the Holy Spirit.

The woman who fears Yahweh is praised because her inner spiritual qualities are enduring and transformational. Her reverence for Yahweh shapes her character, guiding her actions, decisions, and interactions with others. This piety manifests in virtues such as wisdom, kindness, humility, and integrity, which have a lasting and positive impact on her family and community. Unlike grace and beauty, which are superficial and transient, the fear of Yahweh is a very deep, intrinsic quality that defines her true worth.

This central verse highlights a spiritual truth: true praise and honour come from a life rooted in reverence for Yahweh. While society values charm and beauty over light and truth, the Scriptures teach that genuine worth is found in a person’s relationship with God and their commitment to His ways. The woman who fears Yahweh is praised not for her external attributes but for her spiritual depth and the godly virtues that flow from her faith. This verse encourages disciples of Yeshua to prioritise their spiritual growth and character development over superficial appearances and worldly standards. By focusing on their relationship with Yahweh and striving to live according to His Mitzvoth, they can embody the qualities that are truly praiseworthy and enduring.

Unlike the world, women of Yeshua’s kingdom do not place undue emphasis on physical appearance and charm. Instead, the virtuous woman looks beyond the surface and recognises the true worth of individuals based on their inner spiritual qualities. By valuing and honouring those who fear Yahweh, the spiritual community affirms the importance of piety, faith, and godly character.

“Give her the fruit of her hands and let her works praise her in the door.” (vs 31)

Our final verse serves as a fitting conclusion to the description of the Proverbs 31 Woman. This verse calls for public recognition of her deeds and contributions, acknowledging that her work and virtues speak for themselves. It emphasises that she deserves to be honoured for her exemplary character, diligent efforts, and unwavering devotion to Yahweh. As a servant of Yahweh, obedient to the Mitzvoth, and a disciple of Yeshua, she embodies the highest ideals of faith and righteousness.

The phrase “give her the fruit of her hands” suggests that she should receive the rightful reward and recognition for her labour. The “fruit of her hands” symbolises the outcomes and benefits of her hard work, dedication, and virtuous actions. This acknowledgment is a public affirmation of her contributions. It implies that her efforts should be rewarded and celebrated openly, ensuring that she receives the honour she has earned through her tireless work and godly conduct. The continuation “and let her works praise her in the gates” reinforces the idea of public recognition. In ancient times, the “gates” of the city were significant places where community leaders gathered, decisions were made, and public matters were discussed. It was a place of prominence and visibility. By stating that her works should praise her in the gates, the verse implies that her virtues and achievements should be publicly acknowledged and celebrated in the most prominent forums of society. Her reputation, built on a foundation of righteous deeds and godly character, should be honoured openly and esteemed by the community. This public praise is not about seeking personal glory or vanity but about recognising and affirming the true worth and impact of a life lived in faithful obedience to Yahweh. Her works, which are manifestations of her faith, diligence, and compassion, naturally command respect and admiration. They serve as a testament to her integrity and the positive influence she has had on her family and community.

As a servant of Yahweh, she lives in accordance with His Mitzvoth, embodying the principles of justice, kindness, humility, and diligence that are central to the Torah. Her obedience to Yahweh’s laws is not merely a matter of religious duty but a reflection of her deep commitment to living a life that honours God. This devotion is evident in every aspect of her life, from her household management to her interactions with others, and it earns her the respect and admiration of those around her. As a disciple of Yeshua, she follows His teachings and strives to model her life after His example. Yeshua’s teachings emphasise love, compassion, humility, and service to others. By living according to these principles, she demonstrates the life changing power of faith and the deep impact of following Yeshua’s example. Her life becomes a living testimony to the teachings of Yeshua, inspiring others to pursue a similar path of righteousness and devotion.

The call for her works to praise her in the gates also highlights the importance of community recognition and support for those who live virtuously. It encourages the community to honour and uphold the values exemplified by the virtuous woman, promoting a culture of respect and appreciation for godly character and righteous living. By publicly acknowledging her contributions, the community affirms the importance of living according to Yahweh’s Mitzvoth and Yeshua’s teachings, setting a standard for others to follow.

Followers of Yeshua and Their Spouses

For followers of Yeshua’s Way, the depiction of the “Proverbs 31 Woman” serves as a strong archetype of godly womanhood, standing within the community of believers. This passage holds significant relevance as it outlines virtues and qualities that are not only admirable but also foundational to building strong, faith-centered marriages and families. In the community of Yeshua, marriage is viewed as a spiritual partnership where both the husband and wife are called to support and uplift each other in their walk in the faith. The virtues attributed to the Proverbs 31 Woman—trustworthiness, industriousness, wisdom, and compassion—are qualities that both husbands and wives are encouraged to cultivate. These virtues are not necessarily limited by gender roles but are seen as essential attributes for all believers striving to honour God in their relationships and daily lives.

Central to the portrayal of the Proverbs 31 Woman is her role as a trusted partner and supporter of her husband. In Torah-observant households, the roles of husband and wife are considered complementary, each bringing unique strengths and responsibilities to the marriage. As described in Proverbs 31:23, the husband is respected in the community, a position bolstered by the diligent efforts and support of his wife. This dynamic illustrates a partnership where mutual respect, collaboration, and shared goals contribute to the spiritual and material well-being of the family.

The Proverbs 31 Woman’s strength and virtue are not confined to the domestic sphere but extend into the broader community. Her industriousness and wisdom positively influence the couple’s interactions with others, enhancing their collective witness to Yahweh’s goodness and faithfulness. Their harmonious relationship serves as a blueprint of God’s design for marriage—a union founded on mutual respect, love, and commitment to God’s purposes. Children raised in such households are nurtured in an environment where faith in Yahweh and adherence to the teachings of Yeshua are central. The Proverbs 31 Woman’s example becomes a powerful model for the next generation, instilling values of hard work, compassion, and reverence for God. Her legacy of faith and virtue equips her children to navigate life with integrity and purpose, grounded in a deep understanding of God’s principles and His love.

These verses from Proverbs provide a timeless sketch for godly womanhood, offering deeper insights into the virtues that build strong, faith-centered marriages and families. They serve as practical guidelines for daily living, encouraging women to embody diligence, wisdom, and unwavering faith in Yahweh and His Son Yeshua. The Proverbs 31 Woman continues to inspire believers, both women and men, to pursue lives marked by righteousness and dedication to God’s Kingdom, thereby enriching their communities and glorifying God through their actions and relationships.

Mar Chayim bar Ya’aqub
10 July 2024