Wonders That Are in Your Law

“Open my eyes so that I can see the wonders that are in your Law.” – Psalm 119:18, Peshitta

This particular verse highlights David’s desire to gain deeper understanding and appreciation of Torah. Psalm 119, the longest Psalm in the Bible, consists of a deep meditation on the beauty and perfection of God’s Torah. It contains almost 200 verses, structured as an acrostic poem, with each section corresponding to a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This structure shows the completeness and orderliness of God’s Commandments. The eighteenth verse stands out as a prayer for divine assistance in understanding Yahweh’s Torah. St. David acknowledges that without God’s help, the Torah’s full depth and beauty cannot be grasped. This recognition of human limitation and the need for God’s assistance is central to the life of faith.

“Open my eyes” is a metaphorical expression, asking for spiritual insight. It indicates David’s humility and recognition that human perception is naturally limited. The request is not for new revelation, but for a clearer, deeper understanding of the already given divine law. This echoes the sentiments of many saints and theologians throughout history who have emphasised the importance of divine grace in understanding the Scriptures.

The “wonders” in this verse refer to the marvellous and deeper truths contained within God’s Torah. The psalmist recognises that the Torah is not just a set of rules but a source of wonder and divine wisdom. The Torah reflects God’s character and His will for humanity, providing guidance, comfort, and joy to those who seek to understand it.

For believers today, this verse helps us see the need for a prayerful approach to the Scriptures. It encourages us to continue seeking Yahweh’s help in understanding His word, recognising that true comprehension goes beyond intellectual study alone. It involves a spiritual awakening and a heartfelt desire to know our Creator more deeply. It challenges us to view the Mitzvoth not as burdensome restrictions but as wondrous revelations of His will. In a world that dismisses, misunderstands and twists Divine Instruction, this verse calls us to rediscover the beauty and wisdom that lie within Scripture.

May Yahweh bless you and keep you.

Mar Chayim bar Ya’aqub
8 July 2024